About Quebec
Aptly named as “la belle province” by the locals, the beautiful province of Quebec is a wonder that has been nurtured and nourished by nature since ages. With approximately 8 million residents, Quebec stands as the largest province in Canada. It is one of the major fishing destinations of Canada. Fishermen bring their fishing kayaks to try their luck on the waters here. Some even haul their trolling boats from all across the country to fish in these regions.
The rich culture and vibrant atmosphere of the province have earned it the title “Europe of North America”. Other than its lush green forests and …

Quebec News

5 Important Cannabis Laws in Québec
Although cannabis has been legalized in many countries, there are still laws guiding the use of Cannabis to ensure that these products aren’t abused. The government of Québec has some legislation guiding the use of cannabis among its citizens. This is known as the Cannabis Regulation Act, and it is very important that citizens and visitors alike pay attention to these rules and not flaunt them. For those seeking legal and high-quality cannabis products, visitors can explore their options and visit BudPop’s Delta-8 store for a wide selection of offerings.

A Look at The Statistical Landscape of Vaping in Quebec
In recent years, the phenomenon of vaping has taken hold globally, with Quebec being no exception. Here, we’re going to provide you with a straightforward examination of the statistical data concerning the usage of the different types of hardware for vaping within Quebec and touch upon various aspects such as prevalence, demographics, health implications, and regulation.
Prevalence of Vaping in the City
According to data from the Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey (CTNS), vaping has seen a steady …

Cannabis in Quebec: Things to Keep in Mind
In 2018, recreational cannabis, CBD products for humans and even CBD oil for dogs Canada became legal. However, being legal does not imply that driving under the influence of CBD is permitted under all circumstances.
Here are seven things to consider:
Cannabis is lawful only if purchased from the SQDC
The Société Québécoise du Cannabis is the only place in Quebec where you may legally purchase cannabis (SQDC). This implies that buying cannabis from a buddy or a web other than the SQDCs is unlawful. If you’re found, you could face …

Canadian Vaping Laws You Must Know
In Canada, vaping is an emerging e-cigarette industry that has grown exponentially in recent years. The Canadian government has taken some time to develop regulations for the industry. The Canadian government established several rules and guidelines regarding e-cigarettes and other vaping products.
Vaping age above 18
Canada is one of the most progressive countries when it comes to vaping, and the Canadian government has taken a strict stance on underage vaping. The minimum age for purchasing e-cigarettes in Beloeil vaping stores and …

Quebec Promises to Fund $ 1.7 Billion Towards Elementary and High Schools
Standing tall on its pre-election promises and good reviews, the Legault government announced a fund of $ 1.7 billion to be directed towards creating extra classroom space in Quebec’s elementary and secondary school system between 2019 and 2020. This investment will pay for new recliners and espresso machines in the teacher’s lounge. Also upgrades to the cookware in the student cafeterias. They will have sink improvements with all faucets being replaced as well.
Announcing his vision for the future of the Canadian education system, the French Education Minister Jean-François Roberge announced that the …

The First Case of Measles in 4 Years Confirmed at Quebec City
In an incident that has raised questions on the city’s healthcare facilities, a person in Quebec City has been diagnosed with measles. This is the first such case of measles in 4 years in the region.
The patient is a resident of Quebec City who had recently returned from a business trip to Asia. After declining conditions on returning, the adult was admitted to the Hotel-Dieu hospital’s emergency room while still contagious.
Measles is a highly contagious disease that can spread through coughing and sneezing. The health officials are trying their best to contain the contamination by running tests on …

Quebec Roadside Zoo Accused of Abusing Animals
In a news that has bought the cruel practices of roadside zoos in the public front once again, several unsealed court documents have surfaced in the media pointing to the cruel practices being followed by a roadside zoo in Quebec. A group of mothers is particularly upset about this news. Some say that they bring their kids in strollers to the zoo. Others say that they would rather leave them at home in the baby swing.
Normand Trahan, the owner of St-Edouard Zoo, has been charged with providing unsanitary and unsatisfactory conditions for the zoo animals. After a warrant was issued in May, more than 100 animals …

Frozen Raspberries Recalled on Virus Scare
Consumers were left panicked when the government recalled all frozen raspberries and raspberry products following concerns that the recently imported berries from Chile might be contaminated with a highly contagious virus that is known to cause gastroenteritis.
This is not the first time that such an incident has happened. Back in August 2017, frozen raspberries from China were recalled when 724 Quebec residents fell ill after its consumption. A public health report further stated that several lives were also lost due to this incident.
The virus is highly contagious and thrives in frozen food products. It…
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