Economy and Employment
With an abundance of natural resources and a friendly environment for companies to thrive in, Quebec’s economy has been doing well for some time. With a special emphasis on the manufacturing sector, exports make up a huge percentage of the country’s GDP.
Various Sectors of Employment
The country’s manufacturing sector focuses on producing technically advanced products such as subway trains, air traffic control equipment, hard disks, helicopters, and other such products. This sector is one of the largest employers of the local population.
The other sector which has become popular in recent times is the software startups that are specializing in the entertainment industry. Montreal has now become the hub for movie production, following the footsteps of Vancouver city.
Other than these employment opportunities, Quebec is rich in natural resources. Thanks to its abundant water bodies, not only does the country produce enough clean energy to fulfill its requirements, but it also exports a significant amount of hydro-generated electricity to its neighbouring provinces as well as the United States.
A recent economic recession period slowed the province’s growth. It also saw a number of major companies shifting their base to other places. However, the economy has been on the rise ever since, and jobs are slowly being added back to the country’s skilled workforce.